
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Psalm 119:73-80


Your hands have made me and fashioned me.
~ Ps. 119:73

Your hands have made me and fashioned me,
An intricate unity.  ~ Job 10:8

I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
~ Ps. 139:14
 Are you happy with your body?  The way you look, the way you're shaped, the color of your eyes?  Verse 73 is convicting to me because I confess that I have a list of things that I would change about myself physically - things that I don't really like.  The verses above are a good reminder that each of us is made by God, fashioned exactly as He wanted us to be - down to the smallest detail! 

In faithfulness You have afflicted me.  ~ Ps. 119:75
Once again we are reminded that our afflictions should drive us TOWARD God.  In verse 75, David owns that his sin has been justly corrected by God and acknowledges that God’s judgments are right. 

In verses 76-77, David makes an earnest petition to God for His favor.  How I desire this as well - for me, and for my family!  David's petition is timely, following the confession of his sin and his acknowledgement that God was just in allowing David’s consequences. 
Let those who fear You turn to me,
Those who know Your testimonies.
~ Ps. 119:79
Regarding verse 79, some Biblical scholars believe David is referring to the time of his sin with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah the Hittite.  Those who feared God turned from David at this time because they were ashamed of his behavior.  This troubled him and – following his repentance – he prays for them to turn to him again. 

What a blessing godly friends are in our lives, and a true gift from God!

  • God’s hands have fashioned me and made me
  • God’s judgments are right
  • God’s merciful kindness is my comfort
  • God’s law is my delight

  • I praise God for how He has made me – may I not complain, but trust that He carefully planned each detail in creating me
  • I praise God for His merciful kindness
  • I praise God for His word

 Most gracious God,
I thank You for the gift
 of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter -
pure as dew,
cleansing as fire,
tender and refreshing
as the breath of spring.
O blessed Trinity,
ever engaged in giving Your choice things
to us - Your unworthy children . . .
accept my gratitude.
~ F.B. Meyer 

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