
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Psalm 119:65-72


Spurgeon notes that the verses in this stanza are the witness of David's experience, testifying to the goodness of God, the graciousness of His dealings, and the preciousness of His word.

Teach me good judgment and knowledge
For I believe Your commandments.
~ Ps. 119:66
This is another of those verses where I have written my children's name in the margin of my Bible,
and pray over them!
How do you deal with adversity?


Before I was afflicted I went astray,
But now I keep Your word.
~ Ps. 119:67

It is good for me that I have been afflicted,
That I may learn Your statutes.
~ Ps. 119:71

Regarding this verse, my Bible notes that affliction is seen here as having a positive influence in teaching the reliability of what God says.

Spurgeon calls it the excellent uses of adversity!

How well do you deal with adversity?  When trouble comes, do you respond with bitterness like Job's wife and turn away from God ?
 "Then his wife said to him, 'Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!'"  ~ Job 2:9
do you respond like Joseph, recognizing that God works good in our lives through trials and affliction:
"But as for you, you meant evil against me,
But God meant it for good."  Gen. 50:20

We see in verse 71 that David recognizes the value of affliction in his life, that he might turn to God and learn of His statutes.  A friend of mine underwent a terrible physical affliction, but his response was one for us all to learn from - he made this statement: 
when you are in a difficult situation, don't ask "why me?" 
Instead, ask 'What's it's purpose?'

It is through the FIRE that gold is refined to its pure beauty!
Allow God to use the trials in your life to refine you - that you might learn of Him, lean on Him, grow in Him!  As Job said, that you might come forth as gold!
 When He has tested me,
I shall come forth as gold!
~ Job 23:10

"Darlin', maturity only comes through pain." ~ Dr. Jimmy Young

The law of Your mouth is better to me
Than thousands of coins of gold & silver.
~Ps. 119:72



Is God's word precious to you??
  • The Lord deals faithfully with His people according to His covenants with them
  • God is good and does good
  • God allows adversity & affliction so that we may learn from them, walking more closely to God's commandments
  • God's word is of the highest value
I praise God for His word, that is better to me than thousands of coins of gold & silver
I praise God that even affliction draws me closer to His word

     O Lord, You have dealt well with me, and I praise You with my whole heart.  I pray that You will teach me good judgment and knowledge, and my husband & children also.  You are good and do good, I pray that You will teach me & those I love Your statutes - give us great & wise understanding of Your precepts, that we may apply them to our lives and that they may guide our thoughts, words & deeds. 
    I pray along with King David that I would keep Your precepts with my whole heart - I long to do this, O Lord, but fail every day.  I find myself more like Paul - I don't do the things I want to do, and I do those things I don't want to do!  Be pleased to grant to me great delight in Your law, and discipline to keep Your word which is better to me than thousands of coins of gold & silver.  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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