
Friday, March 11, 2011

Psalm 71

Prayer for the Aged

David penned this psalm in his old age.  The main theme of Psalm 71 is HOPE - it's the key message.  There is no period of life when we may give up our hope in the Lord or cease telling of His salvation.

I will hope continually,
And will praise You yet more and more.  ~ Ps. 71:14
David intended this psalm for the general use of God's people in their afflictions, especially the afflictions that come in their declining years - this psalm, above any other, is fitted for the use of older disciples in Christ.  David concludes the psalm with believing praises - never was his hope more established, never were his joys and thanksgivings more enlarged than at this time in his life.

Matthew Henry comments that in verse 1, David prays that he might never be made ashamed of his dependence upon God nor disappointed in his believing expectations from Him.  May we also personally express this sentiment!

Carol Kent makes this observation regarding HOPE:
Hope remains constant when we get to know the Source of all hope.  Hope becomes unsinkable when we realize our hope is NOT in any of these things:
  •  having spouses or friends who will never disappoint us
  •  financial security
  • achieving a certain level of success
  • perfect health
  • watching children turn out exactly as we had anticipated
 Hope's power is that we have the energy and desire to go on living because we believe something better is coming.  That's the bottom line for the Christian:  something more is coming.  No matter what happens to you or your family, no matter what disappointments you encounter, no matter what diagnosis the doctor gives you, even if the end result is physical death, there is still something more. 
This is where David was in his lifeline - he was nearing the end, and was anticipating something better!
You will guide me with Your counsel,
And afterward receive me to glory.  ~ Ps. 71:24

To You I will sing with the harp,
O Holy One of Israel.  ~ Ps. 71:22
"O Holy One of Israel" is a frequent title for God found in the book of Isaiah, but rare elsewhere.  This title emphasizes both God's divine perfection and His special choice of Israel to be His representative to the nations.
  • My trust is in God alone, and He is worthy of my trust
  • God is my strong refuge
  • God is my rock and fortress
  • God is my deliverer
  • God's righteousness is very high
  • God is the Holy One of Israel
  • God is my hope

  • I bless the Lord that He is the source of my hope, and that He never fails
  • I praise the Lord that He will never forsake me

     In You, O Lord, I put my trust.  Let me never be put to shame. Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually.  You are my hope, O Lord God, You are my trust from my youth.   Thank You, Lord, for my salvation - that You saved me when I was a young child.  In spite of that, Father, I have still sinned against You grievously.  Thank You for the deliverance from my sins.  O Lord, let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day!  May I declare You and Your wondrous works to this next generation. 
     O God, do not be far from me!  May I hope in You continually, and praise You yet more and more.  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen      

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