
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Psalm 70

Prayer for the Poor and Needy

A psalm of David, "to bring us to remembrance."  David wrote this psalm in a state of affliction - remembering God's times of deliverance in the past bring hope and help in times of present trouble.

Does Psalm 70 sound familiar?  This psalm is almost identical with Psalm 40:13-17. 

Make haste, O God, to deliver me!
Make haste to help me, O Lord!
~ Ps. 70:1

When we are in times of difficulty, fear or suffering, we want God to HURRY UP, don't we!  We want Him to make haste to help us!  Do you find it hard to TRUST in God's timing?  Blaine Smith makes this note:
We instinctively mistrust the timing of God, and this lack of trust accounts for much of our anxiety. Yet a close look at our experience shows how flawless His timing actually is. With the benefit of hindsight, we often recognize how remarkably advantageous His timing has been in the events of our lives.  ~ Blaine Smith
John Piper says:
I have discovered that God's timing is just as important as God's will.  God wants us to do His will in His way in His timing.

 To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.   ~Ecclesiastes 3:1
There are many Scripture verses regarding God's timing - 3 of my favorites are:
In an acceptable time I have heard and answered you . . .  ~ Is. 49:8
Ever think God doesn't hear you?  Remember this verse in Isaiah!

When His disciples were questioning Him regarding God's kingdom, Jesus said:
It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.
  ~ Act 1:7
When you think God doesn't see your situation or isn't acting fast enough, remember Jesus' words that your times are under the Father's authority!

When I choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly.  ~ Ps. 75:2
When you feel like evil is overcoming the earth and God just isn't doing anything about it, remember that God IS in control!  Times are in His hand.

When you are feeling like David, pleading with God to 'make haste,' remember this saying:

God isn't in a hurry but He's always on time!

So, here's what to do while we are waiting on God . . . may we keep verse 4 close to heart when we are struggling:

Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You.  ~ Ps. 70:4

We were reminded by David just yesterday in Psalm 69:32,
The heart that seeks God shall live.

Matthew Henry notes:
Let us make the service of God our great business, and the favour of God our great delight and pleasure, for that is seeking Him and loving His salvation.
May we seek the Lord while we are waiting on Him!
  • God is my help and my deliverer
  • There is joy and gladness in God's name
  • I praise God for His deliverance
  • I praise God for His provision for my needs
  • I praise God that I can trust His timing
     I praise You, O my God, that You are my help and my deliverer, and that Your timing is always perfect.  May I trust in Your timing, O Lord, and not "take matters into my own hands" to rush things along apart from Your will.  Help me to remember that it's your job to be God and my job to trust You.  Forgive me when my faith is small and my trust is weak.
     I will rejoice and be glad in You, and I say to You, 'Let God be magnified!'   May my life be one that magnifies You. 
     Father, I am poor and needy.  I bless You that I can say with Paul, 'my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. ' Amen 

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