
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Psalm 56

Fear in the Midst of Trials

This psalm of David was written when he was fleeing for his life from Saul.  He was convinced that he was no longer safe in any territory under Saul’s dominion, and had fled to Gath, one of the five principal Philistine cities.

In Gath, the Philistines believed they recognized him:

And the servants of Achish said to him, “is this not David the king of the land? . . . now David took those words to heart, and was very much afraid of Achish the king of Gath.  ~ II Sam. 21:11

David feigning madness before King Achish
David so feared for his life that he pretended to be a madman so that Achish did not believe he was indeed David, King of Israel.

Deliver me, I pray, Abba Father, from the fear of others.  May I fear You alone, with the fear born of love.  ~ F.B. Meyer, Daily Prayers
Even in his iminent peril, David is certain that nothing that he is undergoing is insignificant to God.  God sees every tear that falls and lists them in His book; not one is lost.  The person who is surrendered to God can know that every facet of his life has meaning.  Matthew Henry makes this note:
God has a bottle and a book for His people’s tears, both those shed for their sins and those shed for their afflictions.  He observes them with compassion and tender concern; He is afflicted in their afflictions, and knows their souls in adversity.
You . . . put my tears into Your bottle;
Are they not in Your book?  ~ Ps. 56:8
  • God is merciful
  • God is worthy of my trust
  • God saves my tears- my sorrows are significant to Him
  • God is for me – He will defeat my enemies
  • Our vows to God are binding – as Christians, we are bound to live to God
  • God delivers my soul from death
  • I praise God that He does render my soul from death.  Glory to God!
  • I praise God that He saves my tears – He knows each one.  I praise Him that He is a merciful God who cares about the afflictions of His children.
     O Lord, my Lord, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth!  My soul sings praises to the Lord for His glorious attributes.  Father, I am forever grateful that, through Your Son Jesus Christ, You save my soul from death.  Thank You for my gift of faith.
     May I live a life faithful to You, Father.  May I not fear man or my enemies, but trust You with my life as David did.  May I put my trust in You alone.  Will You keep my feet from falling, that I may walk before You?  In Jesus’ name I pray ~ Amen

1 comment:

  1. I used the pict you posted of David Feigning Madness for a PowerPoint. Thanks! Have a great week.

