
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Psalm 55

Cast Your Burden on the Lord

Many Biblical expositors conjecture that David penned this psalm upon the occasion of his son Absalom’s rebellion, and that this particular enemy that David is referring to in verses 12-14 is Ahithophel:
For it is not an enemy who reproaches me, then I could bear it . . . but it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my acquaintance.  We took sweet counsel together and walked to the house of God in the throng.
King David, burdened and heartbroken by the rebellion of his son Absalom
David was in great distress when he penned this psalm . . . he prays for God’s favor and pleads his own sorrow and fear.  David reminds himself of what he knows to be true of God .. . he assures himself that God would, in due time, appear for him against his enemies.  He comforts himself with this hope, and encourages others to trust in God. 

David opens this psalm with a prayer - "Give ear to my prayer, O God, and do not hide Yourself from my supplication."
Prayer is a salve for every sore and a relief to the spirit under every burden.  ~ Matthew Henry

So I said, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove!  I would fly away and be at rest."  ~ Ps. 55:6
The reader can clearly ‘feel’ the weight of David’s burden, especially in verses 4-8.  David wishes he could escape and “fly away” – have you ever felt like this during difficult circumstances?  David reminds us in verse 22 to “fly” to God . . . that He will sustain you. 

Verse 22 is a wonderful verse of comfort.  The word ‘burden’ is a broad word meaning our lot in life, our total circumstances.  We can trust God to this extent because He is in total control!  Matthew Henry again comments:
To cast our burden upon God is to stay ourselves on His providence and promise.  If we do so, it is promised:
  • That He will sustain us.  He has not promised to free us immediately from that trouble which gives rise to our cares and fears, but He will provide that we aren’t tempted above that which we are able. 
  • That he will never suffer the righteous to be moved – to be so shaken by any troubles as to quit either their duty to God or their comfort in Him.
Sustain:  to support, hold or bear up; to keep from giving way
  • God hears my prayer - He attends to me
  • He is trustworthy
  • God will save me from my trouble
  • God is my Redeemer
  • God is in control, even when my circumstances seem bleak or dark
  • I praise God that He hears, saves, and sustains me
  • I praise God that the circumstances of my life are in His control
  • I praise God that He is worthy of my trust
  • I praise God that He is mightier than my enemies
     Give ear to my prayer, O God!  And do not hide Yourself from my supplication.  Attend to me and hear me.  Thank You, O Lord, that You are the bearer of my burdens.  Thank You that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light.
     Thank You that You save me what I call upon You in my trouble. 
     O Father, how I praise You that You have redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me!  You know my struggle with anxiety.  It is my sin and lack of trust.  If I really knew You, if I really understood . . . would I ever be anxious, Lord?  You know my frame is dust.  Bear me up in my weakness and show Your mercy & lovingkindness to me.
   Never permit me to be moved.  Sustain me at all times, dear Lord.
     I love You, Lord, even though I know that I love You so little.  In Jesus’ name ~ Amen 

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