
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Psalm 47


"The Lord Shall Subdue all Nations"

Matthew Henry states this regarding Psalm 47: 
The scope of this Psalm is to stir us up to praise God.  We are directed in what manner to do it:  publicly, cheerfully, and intelligently.  We are given reasons for which to praise Him:
  • God's majesty - v. 1, 6 & 7
  • His sovereign and universal dominion - v. 2, 7-9
  • The great things He had done, and will do, for His people - v. 3-5
Many Biblical scholars suppose this Psalm was penned upon the occasion of bringing up of the ark to Mount Zion, to which verse 5 seems to refer.

God has gone up with a shout,
The Lord with the sound of a trumpet.
Sing praises to God, sing praises!  ~ Ps. 47:5-6
Charles Spurgeon notes this:
In Psalm 47, it is very clear that both the present sovereignty of God, and the final victories of our Lord, are here fitly hymned.
Spurgeon notes this about verse 7 and "singing praises with understanding":
An understanding enlightened of the Holy Spirit is then and then only fully capable of offering worthy praise
The more we know of God and the more our minds are enlightened to knowledge of God through the Holy Spirit, the MORE we WILL praise Him!

  • The Lord Most High is awesome! 
  • God is the King of all the earth - He reigns over the nations and sits on His holy throne
  • The shields of the earth belong to God.  Spurgeon further comments:
All principalities and powers must be subject unto Jehovah and his Christ, for He is greatly exalted. In nature, in power, in character, in glory, there is none to compare with him. Oh, glorious vision of a coming era! Make haste, ye wheels of time! Meanwhile, ye saints, "Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
For the shields of the earth belong to God;
He is greatly exalted.  ~ Ps. 47:9

  • There is much for which to praise the Lord in this Psalm - He is the Lord Most High, awesome, great King over all the earth. 
  • I praise God that He sits on His holy throne - that He is not moved.
  • I praise God that the shields of the earth belong to Him, a wonderful reminder of His sovereign dominion when things seem to be spinning out of control
     Thank You, my God & my King, that You are great King over all the earth!  You are most awesome, O Lord Most High. 
    Reign over us, Father.  Bless our president and our country.  Protect our country from terrorism, from danger, from enemies.  There is so much hatred against Americans around the world.  I pray for Your protection for our citizens across the globe.  O Lord, would you bless our president - grant to him great wisdom, and bring him to saving faith in Christ.  May You keep Your hedge of protection around him and his family, and the borders of our nation.  Give our lawmakers singleness of mind, and move them to lead our country with unity & godliness.  Would you bring our lawmakers to faith in Christ, so that they have the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they enact the laws of our country?  Cause them to seek the mind of God as they cast their votes on behalf of our nation.  Father, I pray that You would bring revival to our land, and cause our peoples to praise You!  May we be indeed "one nation, under God."
     I ask You to place Your shield of protection around my children, O God, and the members of my family.  May we sing praises to You with understanding - give to each one an understanding mind & heart.  May You be pleased to give us every good gift from Your hand - my heart praises You for the greatest gift of all, Your Son Jesus Christ ~ in whose name I pray ~ Amen

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