
Monday, February 14, 2011

Psalm 46

God is our Refuge and Strength

San Luis Wildlife Refuge - Los Banos, California
These wetlands provide a habitat for up to a million waterfowl that arrive each winter
A "refuge" is a place of shelter, protection, or safety.  In the United States, there are National Wildlife Refuges - protected areas set aside to conserve America's fish, wildlife & plants.  Psalm 46 tells us that God is our refuge - where we are to flee for our protection & safety. 

God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble,
Therefore, we will not fear.  ~ Ps. 46:1

In verse 1 of this Psalm, my Bible translation says God is "a VERY present help in trouble" - other translations may say an "ever-present" help.  What the psalmist is saying is that God IS our help - therefore, do not fear.  God is our "help" button.  No matter what!  The psalmist says, "even though the earth be removed . . .the God of Jacob is our refuge."

How do we react when trouble comes?  Do we run to God as our refuge, or do we seek other means of deliverance first?  Do we take matters into our own hands, trying to "fix" the situation on our own, without turning to God for wisdom & direction?  Are we like Henny Penny - clucking to and fro exclaiming, "The sky is falling!"  Verse 10 reminds us:

Be still is a rebuke, a call to cease from personal efforts and submit to God.  Seek His guidance & direction regarding our trouble - and then take action, when necessary!  May we live with such confidence and faith in Him!

  • God is our refuge and strength - our help in times of trouble
  • God controls the universe
  • No matter what, we do not have to fear!
  • God is with us
  • I praise God that I do not have to fear, even though the earth be moved
  • I praise God that He is with me, that He is my refuge
  • I praise God that He IS in control of the universe
     O Lord, how I praise You for Your lovingkindness!  Thank you that You are my refuge and strength, my help in times of trouble.  Father, it is such a remarkably secure feeling to know that - even though the earth be removed - I do not have to fear.  May I trust You more and more each day.  I confess I am so feeble in my trust at times . . . increase my faith, O God!
   May I learn to be still and know that You are God.  Cause the strivings in my soul to cease.  Forgive me of my sin of "busyness," where I allow cares and duties of this world to crowd out time spent with You in Your word daily.  When I am consumed with busyness, allow Your Holy Spirit to turn my thoughts to You.
     May I exalt You in my small corner of this world!  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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