
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Psalm 9


“Praise for Victory over Enemies”

In this Psalm, David is publicly praising God for His deliverance.  Enemies have plotted to kill David, but his faithful God frustrates their plots.  Isn’t that a great source of comfort?  Have you ever been pursued or persecuted by a powerful enemy?  Knowing that God is your refuge in times of trouble is a wonderful truth to embrace. 
Saul seeking David's life

  • God’s works are marvelous
  • God maintains my cause - it doesn't depend on me !!!
  • The nations are utterly under God’s reign
  • The Lord endures forever
  • The Lord’s throne is prepared for judgment
  • God is a righteous judge, and a refuge in times of trouble
  • The Lord’s name is trustworthy
  • The Lord does not forsake those who seek Him
  • I praise the Lord because He maintains my right and my cause
  • I praise the Lord that my name is not blotted out – that it is written forever the Book of Life
  • I praise the Lord for His marvelous works!
  • I praise the Lord that my enemies will not ultimately prevail against me - how comforting this is when I feel helpless.
  • I praise the Lord that He shall endure forever – nations may rise & fall, but the Lord remains unchanged
  • I praise the Lord that He is a refuge, that He does not forsake those who seek Him
  • I bless the Lord that He dos not forget the cry of the humble, that He is merciful
PRAYER:  This Psalm is a great reminder to pray for our nation – “ . . . The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” ~Ps. 9:17

    Father, like David, I do sing praises unto You! May I declare your deeds among the people all of my life.  I praise You that my name is written in Your Book of Life ~ all because of Jesus Christ.  I rejoice in my salvation – what an unspeakable gift!  May I never cease to be glad and rejoice in You.  I long to praise You with my whole heart.  Please search my heart, O Lord, and show me any area that I am withholding from You. 
     Father, I praise You that You are a refuge in times of trouble.  Bless You, O Lord, that You do not leave us nor forsake us.  Bless You, O Lord, that Your name is worthy of our trust. 
     Lord, we gain such comfort in knowing that our times are in Your hands – our enemies cannot prevail against us outside of Your will.  Thank You that there is no man, no nation, no thing that is more powerful than You.  Forgive me when I fear man.  Forgive me of all idolatry, and mold me more and more into the image of Your Son.
     I praise You that You are known by Your judgment, and that Your judgment is always right.  I pray for our nation, that You would turn our people’s hearts back to You.  May we truly be “one nation, under God.”  Without You, O Lord, we have no hope. 
   I make this prayer in Jesus’ name ~ Amen

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