
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Psalm 10


“A Petition for God’s Judgment”

In Psalm 10, the writer feels like God is far off.  God’s seeming absence in the midst of suffering always adds to our anxiety.  But we must remember that this is NOT the case – God is on His throne, immovable.  He IS there, even when we don’t “feel” it.  We must remember – God is in control ! 

Have you ever just wanted God to send you a "sign" from Heaven ???

I saw this prayer once – maybe you’ve seen it.  A great reminder!

Good morning!
This is God.
I will be handling all your problems today.
I will not need your help, so
Have a nice day!

  • God sees all
  • He is the helper of the fatherless
  • The Lord is King forever and ever
  • The Lord hears the desires of the humble
  • The Lord is just
  • I praise God that He will not allow man to oppress the earth forever
  • I praise God that He observes trouble and grief, and hears the desire of the humble
  • I praise Him for deliverance
  • I praise the Lord because – even at times when He seems far away – He is ever-present and His hand is not stayed nor His arm shortened
  • I praise the Lord that He is King forever and ever
     O Lord, at times when it seems like wickedness will overtake the earth, I praise You that You are yet in control.  It is by Your hand that the earth stays suspended in space.  You, O God, are King forever and ever.
     Father, I desire to be humble.  Forgive me of any pride.  I know that I have no boasting, and praise You that You are my sufficiency.  You are my all-in-all.  Thank You for my salvation, and for all the blessings You have bestowed in my life. 
    O Lord, it is with great comfort that I recognize that You are in control!  Not me.  Not kings or rulers.  You alone.  Thank You for this marvelous truth – and forgive me when I try to be the one in control.  What folly that is!  What a source of anxiety for me when I try to control the events of my life – may I give each concern over to You, prayerfully trusting You to work Your perfect will in my life.  Help me, Father, to keep my fingers open and hands outstretched before You – not closing my fist around the gifts & blessings You’ve given me.  I know that all things are from Your hand, and bless You for Your lovingkindness, mercy, and long-suffering with me!
  May I use the gifts in my life for Your glory – In Jesus’ name I pray ~ Amen

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