
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Psalm 28


"Rejoice Because of Answered Prayer"
The Rock of Gibraltar
The Rock of Gibraltar is located at the entrance of the Mediterranean Sea.  Despite long sieges it seemed that there was nothing that could destroy the Rock or its people. This history has inspired the saying "solid as the Rock of Gibraltar," which is used to describe a person or situation that cannot be overcome and does not fail.

It is this mindset that David refers to when he describes God as his "Rock" in v. 1:
To You I will cry, O Lord my Rock 
  • God is my Rock
  • God hears me
  • God is to be blessed
  • The Lord is my strength & my shield
  • The Lord is my helper
  • God is trustworthy
  • God is the saving refuge of His anointed
  • The Lord is my Shepherd
  • The Lord bears me up forever
There are so many ways for which to praise the Lord through this Psalm. 
  • I praise God that He is the Shepherd and bears me up forever!  In His goodness, lovingkindness, and mercy, He does not grow weary of bearing me up. 
  • I praise Him that He is my strength and my shield, my helper & my trust!
A prayer-poem by Ruth Harms Calkin:

O my Father, my Father!
At this crisis time in my life
When I feel trampled and battered
I know it is imperative
For me to remember
That the nature of my problem
Is not the significant thing.
The significant thing
Is the nature of You.
My refuge.  My rock.
My high tower.
There is no situation
Anytime, or anywhere
Of which I cannot confidently say
"For this I have Him."
But I am so quick to forget
And so prone to neglect.
Lord, may I get it settled
Once and for all
That when You say
"My peace I give unto you"
The "you" means "me!"

     O Great Shepherd of the sheep - Thank You that You have made me one of Your flock.  May I always hear Your voice and follow You.
     Thank You, Lord, that You are my strength & my shield - that I never have to rely on myself or my own abilities.  Your hand richly provides, and my heart is filled with gratitude.
     Thank You, Father, that You are my saving refuge.  My Rock. May I never look to another.  Thank You, O God, that You bear me up forever.  How I praise You for Your refuge and strength.  Thank You, Lord, that my  heart can safely and continually trust in You - and that You are my helper.  How secure I am in You, O God!  Please forgive me when my faith waivers and is so small.  You know, O Lord, how frail I am.
     My heart greatly rejoices, and with a song in my heart I praise You!
     In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen 

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