
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Psalm 27


"Trust in the Lord and Be Not Afraid"

You know those scenes in movies and TV dramas when the good guy is surrounded by the bad guys?  You know he doesn’t stand a chance . . . he is overpowered and outmanned.  I think David must have felt like that many times - when we look at the life of David, one thing stands out: David was constantly being chased through the mountains as A fugitive and an enemy of the state. He was betrayed by his friend, and chased again by his own son through the mountains after he was made king.  But he knew the Lord was his strength:
Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear.  ~Ps. 27:3

David said "in this I will be CONFIDENT."  His confidence was in the Lord his God . . . is mine?

David mentions this in verse 5:
In the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle, He shall hide me.

The Holy of Holies in The Tabernacle
What is God's pavilion?  Where is His secret place?  It has been said that, for today's Christian, the essence of prayer is entering God's pavilion. 
Karen Clark-Sheard penned this chorus in her song The Secret Place:

A place of peace,
where love abides,
where justice reigns
and God resides,
there is a place,
a secret place,
a place where i can go

For you shall hide me in your tabernacle
from the rain and storm
and even when my enemies pursue me
you'll keep me safe from harm

there is safety, in your tabernacle
there is protection, in your tabernacle
there is security, in your tabernacle
there is sanctuary, in your tabernacle
Lord take me, to your tabernacle
I wanna go, to your tabernacle
Lord take me, to your tabernacle
Lord there you'll reign
hide me-safely-in your-dwelling-place

David also makes a great statement in v. 8:
When You said,  "Seek My face,"
My heart said to You, "Your face, Lord, I will seek."
David Wilkerson makes this note on that verse:  
God was instructing David, “Learn of me. Search my Word and pray for understanding through the Spirit, so you can be like Me. I want your life to reflect My beauty to the world.”   This was not merely a call to prayer; this call from God was to hunger for a lifestyle that totally reflects who He is.

·         The Lord is my light & my salvation - I have no need to fear
·         The Lord is my strength
·         The Lord is beautiful
·         In time of trouble, God is all I need
·         When I cry to Him, the Lord hears and answers me
·         God merciful
·         God is my caretaker
·         The Lord strengthens my heart

·         It's amazing to recognize that because I am God's child there is no need to fear. 
·         God knows I am frail and His strength is sufficient for me
·         I praise God that He puts my feet in an even place
·         I praise God that He is my Redeemer
·         I praise God that He hears me and answers me in His mercy
·         I praise God that He will take care of me!
·         I praise the Lord that He strengthens my heart

     Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice.  Have mercy on  me and answer me.  Teach me Your way, O Lord,, and lead me in a smooth place.  Strengthen my heart and help me to learn to wait on You.
     Forgive me, Father, when I fear man, and thank You that - because You are my light and my salvation - I need never to fear a thing!  My faith is so small, Father, and I want it to be SO big!  Thank You that, because of Your Son Jesus Christ and the salvation provided through Him, I will dwell in Your house all the days of my life and behold the beauty of the Lord - what a blessing and a privilege!
     In times of trouble, O God, thank You that shelter is found in You.  Hide me during those times in Your pavillion, and in the secret place of Your tabernacle, and set me high upon a rock where no one can reach me but You.
     Thank You, O Lord, that You do not require from me what You do not provide - my heart is grateful for the sufficiency of Yourself.  May I have the faith to wait on You when I can't see the way - may my heart not fear, and like David, may I be confident in the battle.
     Thank You, Lord, that You will take care of me always.  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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