
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Psalm 1


NEW YEARS DAY - here we go!

One of my favorite authors is Ruth Harms Calkin, who wrote several books of 'prayer-poems' in which she expresses her true experiences of keeping God in her everyday life.  Below is a prayer-poem regarding New Years Day:

Happy New Year  
                                        ~Ruth Harms Calkin
This very first day
Of the fresh new year
I sing a song ----
A joyful, exalted song!
With Israel's sweet singer I exclaim:
"How good it is to sing God's praise
How delightful and how right!"
The volume increases
The tempo accelerates
With glorious anticipation
I shout a rousing welcome
To the up-and-coming days.
The future cannot daunt me
Every inscrutable mystery
Becomes a consolation of joy
For with You in control, dear God
The worst may happen
But the best is yet to come!

Today we begin our "Meditation of Psalms" with reading Psalm 1.

 * God's law is wise counsel
 * God is all-powerful
 * God is forever
 * The Lord is all-knowing
 * The Lord is righteous

 * I praise the Lord because His word is my counsel - He has not left me desolate to find my way in the dark
 * The Lord will transform my life into a refreshing, fruit-bearing purposeful existence if I will know His law & delight in it
 * I praise the Lord because He is all-knowing and all-seeing.  I find great comfort in knowing that I can never be out of His watchful care
 * I praise the Lord that He is my security, and that I will not perish because I am His child

     Father, my heart is full of praise for the wonder of You.  You are so high above my thoughts - my brain cannot contain even the smallest comprehension of You.  Yet, I continue to ask You to reveal Yourself to me.  Show me who You are, Lord.  I want to know You, in all of Your glory and righteousness and lovingkindness and mercy.  I pray that You will use this study of the Psalms to bring me closer to You, that I will learn more of You as I seek You through Your Word.
     I pray that I will delight in Your law and meditate on the truths there.  May I never take for granted our freedom in this country to worship You and read Your word freely.  Father, so many are persecuted in this world, forbidden to even own a Bible.  I pray that You will be merciful to them - give them courage and freedom from persecution.  Bless them, O Lord - give them strength in the inner man.
     Father, I pray that You will transform my life into a fruit-bearing tree.  May Your word feed me so that I never wither in my soul, and prosper my way, O Lord.  Father, I know that sinners shall not stand in the congregation of the righteous, and that if it weren't for Jesus Christ I would never be able to stand in Your Presence.  I know that it is His righteousness with which I am clothed, and I am forever thankful for this most wonderful gift of salvation.  Father, we love You because You first loved us, and my heart is filled with praise for what You have done in my life. 
     I pray that You will continue to mold me more and more into the image of Your Son, and may I live a life that is pleasing in Your ever-watchful eye.
     I make this prayer in Jesus' name ~ Amen 

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