
Friday, December 31, 2010

"Prayer is our greatest Christian privilege and our greatest Christian failure." ~ Pastor Adrian Rodgers
Have you ever felt like this?  Is a fruitful, faithful prayer life something that eludes you?  Do you WANT to be a prayer warrior, but you
  • fall asleep
  • lose your focus and start making up your grocery list
  • feel like your prayers aren't "working?"
  • don't really know HOW to pray?
Several years ago, in my struggle with this prayer issue and my feeling that my prayers were ineffective and small, I remembered this verse:

"so is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."  ~ Isaiah 55:11
I had a thought:  why don't I pray GOD'S WORDS back to Him !  Seemed alot better than my own words!

The best way seemed to start with the Psalms, which already includes 150 songs & prayers to the Lord . . . so I created a schedule of daily readings, and a simple 3-step process for meditating on each daily Psalm:
  • What can I learn about God through this Psalm?
  • How can I praise God through this Psalm?
  • Pray this Psalm back to the Lord    
I found that writing my answers & prayers kept my mind focused - and also gave me something tangible to go back to over time.  This Psalm-praying can just as easily be a mental exercise as you are reading the Psalm . . .

So come join me on this prayer journey! 

"Prayer is life's greatest privilege, and it's also life's greatest need."


  1. Love this Sheri! Nothing we do is more important than prayer. We all fall short and feel guilty that we don't spend more time in prayer. I have learned those focused time alone are important, but also a posture of prayer throughout my day - being aware of HIM in my daily circumstances. I like this avenue you are giving us to share requests and share those insights/thoughts the Lord has given us. Happy New Year 2011! Diane Daniel

  2. great truth, Diane, about the "posture of prayer" throughout the day - what I Thess. 5:17 means, "pray without ceasing." Thanks for joining us here! :)
