
Friday, June 10, 2011

Psalm 141

Set a Guard, O Lord, over My Mouth!



Again, David was in distress when he penned this psalm.  He prays for
  • God's favorable acceptance (v. 1-2)
  • For His powerful assistance (v. 3-4)
  • That others might be instruments of good to his soul, as he hoped to be to the souls of others (v. 5-6)
  • For God to graciously appear for his relief and rescue (v. 7-10)
David was a man of prayer, and he opens Psalm 141 with a plea before God that his prayers might be heard and answered. 
Verse 3 is a prayer that we should all probably pray before we get out of bed every day!
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
Keep watch over the door of my lips,
Do not incline my heart to any evil thing.
~ Ps. 141:3
When Jehovah sets the watch the city is well guarded: when the Lord becomes the guard of our mouth the whole man is well garrisoned
 ~ Spurgeon
Nature made my lips to be a door to my words, let grace keep that door, that no word may be suffered to go out which may any way tend to the dishonour of God, or the hurt of others.
~ Matthew Henry.

In verse 5, David teaches us to receive the reproofs of the righteous & wise.  Perhaps he is remembering the time the prophet Nathan came to him after his sin with Bathsheba that resulted in the physical deaths of two people:  Bathsheba's husband Uriah and the newborn son born to Bathsheba & David. 
Let the righteous strike me;
It shall be a kindness.
And let him rebuke me;
It shall be as excellent oil;
Let my head not refuse it.
~ Ps. 141:5
Then the Lord sent Nathan to David . . .
Nathan said to David, 'You are the man!'
So David said to Nathan, 'I have sinned against the Lord.'
~ II Sam 12
Let me never fall under that dreadful judgment of being let alone in sin!  Henry

Has God placed righteous friends & loved ones in your life?  Verse 5 is a great one to meditate on and keep in our hearts - how well do we receive reproofs from righteous people in our lives?  May we respond like David and allow those reproofs & rebukes to lead us to repentance and a restored relationship with God.  My Bible notes that God's person is willing to accept discipline from good people!

As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.~ Prov. 27:17


Christians sharpen one another's graces, or stir up each other to the exercise of them, and the gifts which are bestowed on them, and to love and to good works.  ~ John Gill

  • God hears my prayer
  • Keeping our eyes fixed upon God and His word is our guard against sin
  • God places righteous people in our lives for accountability & encouragement in our Christian walk 
  • God is my refuge and protector from evil
  • I praise the Lord that He hears my prayer . . . such an overwhelming truth to grasp that my voice reaches the ear of the God of the universe!
  • I bless the Lord for the God-fearing people in my life with whom I can share accountability and the things of God 
  • I praise God that He is my refuge and will not leave my soul destitute
     Lord, I cry out to You, make haste to hear me!  Give ear to my voice when I cry out to You, and how my heart praises You that You do hear.  May my prayers be as an offering to You, made in supplication of my heart's desires, but bending and yielding to Your will.
     Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.  May grace rule my tongue, that no words uttered shall dishonor You or harm others.  Do not incline my heart to any evil thing.  I am so full of wickedness and pray that each day I will be molded more and more into the image of Jesus Christ, walking before You and others in righteousness.
     Father, I praise You for the Christian friends & family members in my life - what a blessing they are to me, and such a sweet kindness from Your hand!  Use them to stretch me, as You did Nathan in the life of David.  May we be instruments of iron to each other, sharpening and honing our knowledge of You and obedience to Your word.
     My eyes are upon You, O God the Lord, in You I take refuge.  Do not leave my soul destitute, but be to me a place of safety in a world of evil.  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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