
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Psalm 125

Trust in the Lord and Abide Forever


Matthew Henry makes this observation regarding Psalm 125:
This short psalm may be summed up in those words of the prophet Isaiah:
Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them . . . woe to the wicked!  It shall be ill with him. ~ Is. 3:10-11

Spurgeon comments that the hill of Zion is the type of the believer's constancy, and the surrounding mountains are made emblems of the all surrounding presence of the Lord.  What beautiful imagery - if you have ever been in the mountains you know that they are all you can see - you are ever aware of them and their presence.  What strong imagery that psalmist has used to remind us of the powerful presence of God with His children!

Regarding verse 3, Spurgeon also reminds us: The people of God are not to expect immunity from trial because the Lord surrounds them, for they may feel the power and persecution of the ungodly.

Psalm 125 offers
  • a song of holy confidence
  • a promise
  • a prayer
  • a note of warning
Those who trust in the Lord
are like Mount Zion.
~ Ps. 125:1
All that deal with God must deal upon trust.  ~ Matthew Henry

That quote is simple yet profound to me - throughout this Psalms study, I have come to realize how I really need to trust God more.  I have made this my prayer several times . . . and recognize how little I truly trust God.  Or maybe I just don't trust Him to do what I want - and that's where I have found myself in my spiritual walk over the past few years - learning to want what God wants!  That total yielding to His will.  It's definitely a stretching spiritual exercise, isn't it??  I was an aerobics instructor for 9 years . . . and following every workout, I would lead my class in stretching exercises.  If you have ever done them, you know how p-a-i-n-f-u-l stretching is . . . yet so very beneficial!  As good as stretching one's muscles is for the body, so stretching one's soul is for the spirit!

We touched on the meaning of verse 4 in our earlier study of the Psalms.  We know that no one does good, as we saw in Psalm 14:3, "There is none that does good, no not one."  The good referred to in verse 4 is that heart righteousness . . . the desire to please God and walk with Him in obedience, even though it is impossible to do perfectly.  Nehemiah the prophet expressed this sentiment at the closing of the book of Nehemiah:
Remember me, O my God, for good!
~ Nehemiah 13:31

Charles Stanord makes a great note:  The good in us is the God in us
If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character.  That's a good & fit description of David, isn't it!
  • God is trustworthy
  • Those who trusts in the Lord will abide forever
  • God's presence surrounds His people
  • The Lord will do good to those who are upright in heart
  • God will punish wickedness
  • I praise the Lord for His presence with His people  . . . and with me!
  • I praise God that He is worthy of my trust and faith
  • I praise God for His goodness to those who are upright in heart
  • I praise God that evil will not ultimately prevail
     O Lord, how I praise You that those who trust in You cannot be moved but will abide forever.  I pray, Father, that I will learn to trust You more and more fully.  Trust is the basis and necessary foundation for a relationship . . . and I bless You for Your great faithfulness to me. 
     O Lord, You know my wickedness and that there is no goodness in me whatsoever . . . that I am all too frequently like Paul - the good that I want to do, I don't do . . . and the things that I don't or shouldn't do, I do!  I pray that You will forgive me for my sins, which are many - and grant me great grace to be a person who is upright in heart.  I'm so far from that, and pray for Your mercy.  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen


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