
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Psalm 121

God is our Keeper
Psalm 121 is also known as the "traveller's psalm"  because some Biblical scholars believe David penned it to be a companion on a journey.  It is one of the pilgrim songs written in the form of a dialogue, possibly between the worshipers and a priest.  The psalmist reminds us to stay ourselves upon God as a God all-sufficient for us. 
I will lift up my eyes to the hills-
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
~ Ps. 121:1
Help comes to saints only from above, they look elsewhere in vain: let us lift up our eyes with hope, expectancy, desire, and confidence.  Spurgeon goes on to remind us that these things:
  • the purposes of God;
  • the divine attributes;
  • the immutable promises;
  • the covenant, ordered in all things and sure;
  • the providence, predestination, and proved faithfulness of the Lord
—these are the hills to which we must lift up our eyes, for from these our help must come.  

He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber or sleep.
~ Ps. 121:3-4
 I suffered 2 serious concussions as a young child - both times, the doctors instructed my parents to wake me every hour throughout the night to make sure I did not develop an epidural hemorrhage - bleeding between the skull & the brain.  This is the type of head injury that killed actress Natasha Richardson a few years ago.

My parents had to keep a "night watch" over me in both instances - I still remember my dad waking me up all through the night and asking me if I knew who he was, if I could tell him my name, if I could tell him my pets' names, etc.  If my parents had fallen asleep, I could possibly have died as well. 

Verses 3 & 4 remind us that God neither slumbers nor sleeps but keeps a constant watchcare over us.

He will not allow your foot to be moved.~ Ps. 121:3
Dave & Bill keeping Pop's feet from slipping
out from under him on the slick stones
in Jerusalem

Dave & I went to Israel earlier this year with Dave's family.  It rained during one of our days in Jerusalem, and the cobblestone streets were very slick!  Pop had on shoes with leather soles, and could barely keep his feet from slipping out from under him on each step - Dave & Bill came along him on each side, holding his arms and making sure he didn't fall.  This is similar to what is described to us in verse 3 - He will not allow your foot to be moved.

Verse 5 tell us that God is our Keeper, some translations say Protector.   The remainder of the verses remind us that continuous protection is promised against perils, where they come during day or night. 

Protection is not only promised for the pilgrimage to the temple but for the entire pilgrimage of life - from this time forth and forevermore!

  • My helps comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and earth
  • God keeps my footing sure beneath me
  • God neither slumbers nor sleeps
  • The Lord is my keeper
  • The Lord shall preserve my soul forevermore
  • I praise the Lord because He is my help - I need not look to any other
  • I praise God that He will not allow my foot to be moved
  • I bless God for His watchcare over me
  • I bless the Lord that He preserves my soul
By day and by night,
in life and in death,
may I ever be true to You,
O Lover of my soul,
my ceaseless Friend,
my unchangeable Savior.
Into Your hands
I commit my soul.

~ F. B. Meyer

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