
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Psalm 119:33-40


As King of Israel, with every possible worldly thing available to him, David recognizes the folly of covetousness.  He asks the Lord for restraining grace, as Matthew Henry notes:
The honors, pleasures and profits of the world are the vanities, the prospect of which draw multitudes away from the paths of religion and godliness. 
The eye, when fastened on these, infects the heart with the love of them, and so it is alienated from God and divine things.  Like David, we ought to pray that God by His providence would keep vanity out of our sight and that, by His grace, He would keep us from being enamoured with the sight of it.

Incline my heart to Your testimonies,
And not to covetousness.
Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things.
~ Ps. 119:36
I completely understand David's plea in verse 36.  For me personally, when I read verse 36, I think VESTA HOME SHOW! 

In the early years of our marriage, we struggled financially.  I was a stay-at-home mom, and it was a financial sacrifice for us. 
We lived in a fix-up house, and most of our furniture came from the attics of family members. 

The Vesta Home show was an annual event where a new home was on display with the latest builder specialty designs and furnishings.  It was fun to go and "dream," but it became a stumbling block for me - it caused me to be very discontent with my house and to COVET:   better furniture, draperies, even something as silly as better bathroom faucets!  

Can you relate?  Are you prone to covet in a particular area of your life?  May we remember verses 36 & 37 and ask the Lord to turn our eyes from looking at worthless things. 
Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,
For I delight in it.
~ Ps. 119:35

Regarding verse 35, my Bible notes that the path of Your commandments refers to conduct in obedience to the will of God.  May we all faithfully walk along this path!

  • God gives me understanding of His word
  • God's judgments are good
  • God establishes His word to His people  - that is, He fulfills His promises to them in due time
  • I praise the Lord for His word and for the enlightenment of His Holy Spirit, who gives my mind and heart understanding 
  • I praise the Lord that His judgments are good . . . all the time
  • I bless the Lord that He establishes His word - He fulfills His covenants and promises to His people
PRAYER:  by F.B. Meyer
     Make me, O Lord, to know the hope of Your calling, the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of Your power toward those who believe.  Above all, grant me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Yourself.  ~ Amen

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