
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Psalm 119:129-136


The Word of God give us admirable discoveries of God and Christ and another world.
~ Matthew Henry

This stanza is David's prayer that God will translate his love for the the law into righteous behavior.

The entrance of Your words gives light;
It gives understanding to the simple.
~ Ps. 119:130
Oh, that Thy words, like the beams of the sun,
may enter through the window of my understanding,
and dispel the darkness of my mind!
 ~ Charles Spurgeon 
Direct my steps by Your word,
and let no iniquity have dominion over me.
~ Ps. 119:133

May we pray with David the words of verse 132, that our steps would be directed by His word and that iniquity would not have any dominion over us! 
I had rather be a prisoner to man all my life than be in bondage to sin one day. 
~ Michael Bruce, 1666
Look upon me and be merciful to me,
As Your custom is toward those who love Your name.
~ Ps. 119:132
Regarding verse 132, Spurgeon makes a beautiful observation: 

Christ's look at Peter was a look of mercy, and all the looks of the heavenly Father are of the same kind. If He looked in stern justice His eyes would not endure us, but looking in mercy He spares and blesses us.
Rivers of water run down from my eyes,
Because  men do not keep Your law.
~ Ps. 119:136

 The eye is for two things, sight and tears: if we see God dishonoured, presently our eyes should be filled with tears. ~William Greenhill, 1591-1677.

How do you feel when you see sin?  do you mourn the moral depravitiy of this culture?  May we embrace the mindset of David and be saddened over the holy law of God being defiled.

  • God's testimonies are wonderful
  • God's words give light & understanding
  • God is merciful, as is His custom to those who love His name
  • God's word directs my steps
  • I praise God for the gift of His word, and for the understanding and light it gives to my life
  • I praise God for His mercy and for His favor shown towards me
     O Lord, Your testimonies are wonderful!  How I bless You for the understanding and light that Your words bring to my life.  May I long for Your commandments - I pray You would direct my steps by Your word so that no iniquity shall have dominion over me. 
     O God, I pray that my heart would be broken by the things that break Yours, that I would despise sin and take a stand for righteousness in a culture that is marred by a depraved sense of morality. 
     Dear Father, look upon me and be merciful to me, as Your custom is toward those who love Your name.  Make Your face shine upon me, and teach me Your statutes. In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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