
Friday, April 1, 2011

Psalm 91

Abiding in the "Shadow of the Almighty"

Psalm 91 is another beautiful expression of God's love & protection over His children.  Matthew Henry calls it a 'writ of protection for all true believers, in the name of the King of Kings, and under the broad seal of Heaven."   Psalm 91 appears to be a composite of a wisdom poem and a divine oracle.  It gives the reader assurance of the security that the Messiah and His followers may find in God. 

Again and again throughout the Psalms, we are reminded that our God can be TRUSTED.  Are you recognizing this recurring truth as you ponder the things you can learn about God in each psalm?  What security is there in knowing God is trustworthy.
Again, the reference to protection under God's "wing" is mentioned in this psalm - as a mother bird protects her chick.  Baby chicks are so vulnerable to predators . . . unable to fly or feed themselves, they are completely helpless and dependent upon their mothers.  How wise we are as God's children to recognize our utter dependence upon Him!

Those who live a life of communion with God are constantly safe under His protection.  ~ Matthew Henry 

As we are reminded in verses 9-10, security is available to those who make the Most High - and not something else - their refuge.   

For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
~ Ps. 91:11-12
  • God my refuge and fortress
  • God is worthy of my trust
  • God is my protector, night & day
  • God has given His angels charge over me
  • I praise the Lord for the security I have in Him - that He is my refuge, my protector, my dwelling place 
  • I bless Him that His protection is continual, night and day
  • I praise the Lord for guardian angels who watch over me
PRAYER:  this prayer was penned by Ruth Myers regarding Psalm 91:
      O Lord, how delighted I am to have You as my dwelling place where I can settle down, feel secure, and be content anywhere on earth . . . You are my blessed home "where I can enter and be at rest even when all around and above is a sea of trouble" (Andrew Murray).  How my soul delights to hide in the secret of Your presence . . . to take refuge in the shadow of Your wings, to eat at Your table, to drink my fill of the river of Your delights.  How blessed I am, my King and my God, for You have chosen me, and brought me near, to live in Your presence, to behold Your delightfulness, to seek Your counsel  . . And to think that I will dwell in Your house forever!  Amen

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