
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Psalm 110

The Coming of the Priest-King-Judge

Psalm 110 is the one most frequently quoted or alluded to in the New Testament.  It is a psalm of Christ's Resurrection, Ascension, and Session in glory.  What a perfect week to meditate on the beautiful truths of this psalm, as we approach the celebration of Easter this Sunday!  Glorious things are spoken here of Christ.  He existed in glory as the eternal Son of God, and is superior to all earthly kings.
This psalm is one of the fullest and most compendious prophecies of the person and offices of Christ in the whole Old Testament.    ~ Charles Spurgeon
This psalm has been well designated the crown of all the Psalms, of which Martin Luther says that it is worthy to be 'overlaid with precious jewels.' Luther further states, regarding verse 5
a well spring, -- nay, a treasury of all Christian doctrines, understanding, wisdom, and comfort, richer and fuller than any other passage of Holy Writ.
Verse 1 is a famous verse, and is spoken of again by Jesus Himself in Matthew 22:44-45-
While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, "What do you think about the Messiah?  Whose son is He?"
"The son of David," they replied.
He said to them, "How then does David in the Spirit call him 'Lord,' saying:
     'The LORD said to my Lord,
     Sit at My right hand
     Until I put your enemies beneath Your feet"?
If David then calls Him 'Lord,' how is He his son?"
No one was able to answer Him a word, nor did anyone dare from that day on to ask Him another question.
Spurgeon comments on this fabulous discourse:
The LORD said unto thy Lord. -- Jehovah said unto my Adonai: David in spirit heard the solemn voice of Jehovah speaking to the Messiah from of old. What wonderful intercourse there has been between the Father and the Son!
Though David was a firm believer in the Unity of the Godhead, he yet spiritually discerns the two persons, distinguishes between them, and perceives that in the second he has a peculiar interest, for he calls him "my Lord." This expresses the Psalmist's reverence, his obedience, his believing appropriation, and his joy in Christ.

It is well to have clear views of the mutual relations of the persons of the blessed Trinity; indeed, the knowledge of these truths is essential for our comfort and growth in grace. There is a manifest distinction in the divine persons, since one speaks to another; yet the Godhead is one.
In verse 4, the King is identified as a perpetual priest "according to the order of Melchizedek."  The name Melchizedek means "Righteousness is my king."  Melchizedek is Biblically identified as the King of Salem and priest of God Most High. Thus, Psalm 110 is telling us that Jesus' High Priesthood is more ancient and superior to the Levitical high priesthood. 

For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet.
~ I Cor. 15:25
There is so much to learn in this psalm.  We could much more than one day meditating on and studying the truths of this psalm - I encourage you to further your understanding by spending more time on Psalm 110. 
  • Our Messiah is David's Lord. 
  • Jesus is constituted a sovereign Lord by the counsel and decree of God Himself
  • Christ will have a kingdom established in this world
  • Christ will overcome His enemies
  • Our Lord Jesus is God's minister to us, our Advocate with God, and a Mediator between God and man
  • I praise the Lord that He is my great High Priest, my Advocate, my Sovereign Lord, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, And He shall reign forever and ever, Hallelujah!
 PRAYER: another beautiful prayer by pastor Scotty Smith on this day in Holy Week:

While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, “What do you think about the Christ?” Matthew 22:41
     Dear Lord Jesus, it’s Thursday of Holy Week. The question You directed to Pharisees en route to the cross, You still put before us. “What do you think about the Christ?”  There’s no more important question for us to wrestle throughout our lives. No other question has the power to disrupt us and delight us like this one.
     What  do I think about You, Lord Jesus? Who do I think You are? You are God and I’m a mere man. I would despair if You were anything less and I get weary of trying to be more. You are the creator, sustainer and restorer of all things. You don’t just care about my soul, You care about everything You have made. One day You will return to finish making all things new.
     Lord Jesus, I honor You as the promised Messiah—the one who fulfills every promise the Father has made. You as the second Adam—our substitute in death and in life. You lived a life of perfect obedience for us and You exhausted God’s judgment that stood against us. You are our complete forgiveness and our perfect righteousness before the Father. Nothing will every separate us from Your love. I humbly and confidently stake my life and my death upon what You’ve done for us.
     Lord Jesus, there’s so much more to who You are, and eternity will be a perpetual discovery of the inexhaustible riches found in You. But this particular holy week, I’m especially comforted to know You are always thinking about us. It’s what You think about us that makes all the difference to me.
     We are in Your heart and on Your mind all the time. You are always praying for us and advocating for us before the Father. You greatly delight in us and You will never be ashamed of us. Indeed, You know us the best and You love us the most. With fresh gratitude and knee-buckling awe, we worship and adore You on this Thursday of Holy Week.  So very Amen, we pray, in Your name-above-all-names name.

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