
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Psalm 107

God Satisfies the Longing Soul

Psalm 107 begins book 5, the last of the 5 books of the Psalms.  Verse 1 in Psalm 106 & 107 are exactly the same:
In Psalm 107, the psalmist observes some of the incidences of God’s providential care of the children of men in general, especially in their distresses; for He is the God of the whole earth, and a common Father to mankind. 
The psalmist specifies some of the most common calamities of human life, and shows how God succours those that labor under them, in answer to their prayers.  He specifies events concerning nations and families, in which God’s hand is to be eyed by His own people, with joyful acknowledgements of His goodness.                                    ~ Matthew Henry
Psalm 107 recounts those in these common situations:
  1. Persons who are in distress - all who receive mercy are called upon to return thanks to God
  2. The goodness of God towards prisoners & captives
  3. Bodily sickness is another of the calamities of this life which gives us an opportunity of experiencing the goodness of God.
  4. The power of God appears at all times in the sea and to sea-farers
Verses 8 is a refrain that occurs at the close of each stanza – v. 8, 15. 21, 31.  Verses 8&9 are worthy of our committing to memory as a reminder for us to offer proper thanks to God.
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
For He satisfies the longing soul,
And fills the hungry soul with goodness.
~Ps. 107:8-9
Psalm 107 also shows us that GOD IS THE MASTER OF NATURE!

He commands and raises the stormy wind
Which lifts up the waves of the sea. . .
He calms the storm,
So that its waves are still.
Ps. 107:25, 29
Verses 33-43 are a description of the Lord’s ability to turn abundance into barrenness, and poverty into exaltation.  He does the first because of human wickedness, and the second because of His lovingkindness.

 Regarding verse 43, my Bible notes,
The scenes of this psalm are descriptive of the plight of all sinners.  Perhaps the emphasis of verse 43 is that the reader should recognize his own need and his own salvation as being described in the four scenes of this Psalm

Whoever is wise will observe these things,
And they will understand the lovingkindness of the Lord.
 ~ Ps. 107:43
A prudent observance of the providences of God will contribute very much to the accomplishing of a good Christian. 
~ Matthew Henry
  • The Lord is good – His mercy endures forever
  • The Lord redeems His people, and delivers them out of their distresses
  • The Lord shows His wonderful works to the children of men
  • The Lord satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness
  • God is the master of nature
  • I praise the Lord for His goodness, mercy, redemption, and deliverance
  • I bless God for His wondrous works
  • I praise the Lord that He satisfies my longing soul
  • I praise God that He is the Blessed Controller of the universe – that all of nature obeys His voice!  O, that I would be that obedient to Him!
     Thank You, O Lord, that Your mercy endures forever.  We would be utterly destroyed without Your merciful redemption & deliverance, without the lovingkindness which You pour out on Your people.  How I bless You for pouring it out in my life, for raining down Your love like an endless spring shower!  I give thanks to You for Your goodness, for Your wonderful works shown to me!  Thank You for satisfying my longing soul with Yourself, for filling my hungry soul with the goodness of Yourself. 
    Would you grant to me great wisdom, O Lord – that I may understand the Your lovingkindness.  That I may know the mind of God as much as I am able. 
     O Lord, we celebrate "Holy Week" this week - the week that marks the final week of Jesus' earthly ministry, beginning with His triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the shouts of "Hosanna" - shouts of praise and adoration.  May You hear my heart shouting hosannas to You this week!  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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