
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Psalm 104

Psalm Rehearsing Creation
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live,
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
~ Ps. 104:31
I LOVE this psalm!  Don't you love reading about our Creator! It is believed that Psalm 104 was penned at the same time as Psalm 103, because it begins as Psalm 103 ends:  "Bless the Lord, O my soul!"  Psalm 104 is a hymn about creation - all of the elements of God's creative work are mentioned:
  • the heavens
  • the division of the waters and the land
  • provisions for animals & humans
  • the 'luminaries' (sun, moon, stars)
  • the sea creatures
Psalm 104:4 also mentions the angels - they are curious beings to our human, finite minds aren't they?  My Bible notes this:
"Angel" denotes a class of beings who are not usually perceived by human senses.  Angels were created at some point before the physical universe.  They apparently do not age or die.  They are compared to spirit and fire because they have no bodies; however, angels do appear in some sort of visible bodies frequently in pages of Scripture to serve as God's messengers or to intervene in human events on behalf of God or His people.  When they are visible, their appearance is distinctive from humankind and radiantly glorious.   

The earth is full of Your possessions.
~ Ps. 104:24

In verses 19-30, we are taught to praise & magnify God:
O Lord, how manifold are Your works!
In wisdom You have made them all.
~ Ps.104:24

The dependence of all creatures on God leads to a closing note of praise as Psalm 104 concludes.

 I love You, Lord, and I lift my voice
To worship You, O my soul, rejoice!
Take joy, my King, in what You hear -
May it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear.
 - Laurie Klein

  • God is Almighty Creator - it is amazing to consider that He speaks all these things into existence!
  • The Lord is very great - He is clothed with honor and majesty
  • God is all-wise
  • The earth is full of God's possessions
  • God is the Provider for all creatures of the earth
  • God's glory will endure forever
  • I praise the Lord for His greatness, honor & majesty. 
  • I praise the Lord for the greatness of His works and marvel at His creation
  • I praise God for His wisdom in creation . . . how each part works together
  • I bless the Lord for His kind provision for all His creatures
     Bless the Lord, O my soul!  O Lord my God, You are very great.  Your might & power are evident in Your creation, and a testimony to You.  It is spring season right now, and the earth is coming alive again - new green grass, new flowers budding, new baby birds singing, sunshine warming the earth again after the winter.  All of these obey Your voice - You have appointed the moon for seasons, and the sun knows its going down.  O Lord, how manifold are your works!  In wisdom, You have made them all.  Thank You for the enjoyment of all of these things as I marvel at their beauty and at the work of Your hand.
     O God, I will sing praise to You as long as I live.  May my meditation be sweet to You - a sweet sound in Your ear.  May I be glad in You, finding my joy in You and in the sweetness of each blessing You have given into my life. 
     Bless the Lord, O my soul!  Praise the Lord!  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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