
Monday, April 11, 2011

Psalm 101

Commitments of a Holy Life

Psalm 101 was penned by David, and is noted as a royal psalm, reflecting the principles that the king vows to keep.  It is solemn vow which David made to God when he took upon the charge of a family and of the kingdom. 

Psalm 101 is known as the "householder's psalm" because it is one that is applicable to private families. 

I will behave wisely in a perfect way . . .
I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.~ Ps. 101:2
Charles Spurgeon makes this note:  
assuredly, if every master of a family would regulate his household by these rules of the conscientious psalmist, there would be a far greater amount - not merely of domestic happiness and comfort - but of fulfillment of the responsible duties which devolve on the respective members of a household.  
Others comment that disciplined order and self-control begin at home.  Psalm 101 gives a timeless challenge to guard our eyes, our hearts, and our lives with purity. 

Remember the childhood song we were taught at Bible school:

O be careful little eyes, what you see
O be careful little eyes, what you see
For the Father up above,
He is looking down in love,
So be careful little eyes what you see.
We would do well to sing this chorus to ourselves each day, as a reminder to set nothing wicked before my eyes.  ~ Ps. 101:3 

So how do we live victoriously, as David describes in Psalm 101? 
Ephesian 6:13-18 tells us to "put on the whole armor of God" to protect us from evil and temptation. 

My Bible makes this observation:
The Christian life is a struggle; it requires decision and effort.
 May we hide Psalm 101 in our hearts and minds, and desire each day to "behave wisely in a perfect way." 

In addition to his home and his country, we also see in v. 8 that David aimed at securing the honor of God in the purity of His church. 
Early I will destroy all the wicked of the land,
That I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord.
~ Ps. 101:8

  • Ours is a God of mercy and justice
  • God desires our obedience, borne out of our love & gratitude to Him
  • I praise God that what He demands of me, He Himself provides.  He demands righteousness, and because I fall way short of this mark, He sent His Son to be righteousness in my place.  Out of  my love & gratitude, may I live a life that is pleasing to Him.
God, You don't always tell me
To do extraordinary, breathtaking things.
You simply tell me to let You
Make me an extraordinary Christian
In the ordinary, everyday walk of life.
So, dear Lord,
On this very ordinary day
Will You make my life extraordinary
For Your purpose and for Your glory?

~ Ruth Harms Calkin

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