
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Psalm 73

The Perspective of Eternity

 We start "Book Three" of the Psalms today - Psalms 73-83 are psalms of Asaph, who was one of David's chief musicians. 

The psalmist gives us an account of his inner conflict with the temptation to envy the prosperity of wicked people.  He tells us how he got into the temptation, how he got out of the temptation, and what he learned and how he was better having experienced it.

The psalmist opens with this statement: 
Truly God is good . . . ~ Ps. 73:1
My Bible notes that this is a proverbial saying - the truth of it seemed to be contradicted by the experiences of the psalmist.  Based on what he saw, he questioned God's love and justice.  So severe was this struggle that the psalmist almost stumbled.

I was envious of the boastful
When I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
  ~ Ps. 73:3
Have you ever struggled with this - with seeing others prosper doing wickedly while you are trying to do the right thing and not seeming to get anywhere?  Remember:  God sees!

POINT TO PONDER:  Our greatest "felt" need is not always our greatest need!

Nevertheless I am continually with You;
You hold me by my right hand.  ~ Ps. 73:23
Remember that secure feeling of your parent holding your hand when you were small?  That safety is how we can feel as God's child!  Also, my Bible notes that to be grasped by the right hand is symbolic of being honored.  God does not reject people merely because they sometimes fall prey to doubts.

  • God IS truly good
  • God is not fooled by wicked ones and their seeming prosperity
  • God will hold me by my right hand - I am continually with Him
  • God will guide me with His counsel
  • God will receive me to glory
  • God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever
  • God is trustworthy
  •  I praise the Lord that He sees the whole picture!  Most of the time my view is only partial and dim, like looking through a parade through a peephole in a fence.  The Lord sees the entire parade from beginning to end!
  • I praise God that He IS truly good!
  • I praise God that He is my portion forever - what peace is found in that truth
     O Lord, forgive me for the times that I, like this psalmist, am foolish & ignorant and am besieged with doubts. When I am in despair at those times, may Your Holy Spirit bring to the forefront of my mind & heart that I am continually with You.  I have put my trust in You.  Be pleased to hold me by my hand, guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.  May I desire none upon the earth besides You.  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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