
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Psalm 68

God is the Father of the Fatherless

Psalm 68 is a psalm of David.  It is believed by some Biblical scholars that he penned this psalm when he brought the ark from the house of Oben-edom to the tent he pitched for it in Zion.  He opens Psalm 68 with this phrase:

Let God arise!  ~ Ps. 68:1
This ancient cry originated during the wilderness wanderings when the Israelites broke camp and the ark of the covenant moved ahead of the people.  The ark was the sign of God's presence. 

Once again, David is reminding God's people of His greatness and goodness (His presence with them) for the wonderful works God had wrought for His people:
  • bringing them through the wilderness
  • settling them in Canaan
  • giving them victory over their enemies
  • delivering them out of the hands of their oppressors
Matthew Henry notes: 
Fresh mercies should put us in mind of former mercies and revive our grateful sense of them. 
Could you pen such a modern-day psalm over the wonderful works God has wrought in your own life?  Of the greatness and goodness He has shown on your behalf?

Your righteousness is like the great mountains - may I keep it in view always.   ~ F.B. Meyer
Bashan, including the Golan Heights and the southern slopes of Mt. Hermon, stand at what was the northern boundary between Judea and the gentile world.  It's name means smooth soil, and it is a vast highland east of the Sea of Galilee. 

  • God goes out before His people
  • God is a Father to the fatherless . . . and my Heavenly Father
  • God's presence causes the wicked to perish
  • God is my Provider
  • The Lord daily loads us with benefits
  • He is the God of salvation
  • God's voice is mighty; His excellence is over Israel
  • God gives strength and power to His people
  • God is awesome

  • I praise God for His daily benefits 
  • I praise God for the security of His might
  • I praise the Lord for this recount of His faithfulness to the Israelites . . . and for His faitfulness to me

On this day, I adore You, my God and Father.  The light is Your garment; the heavens are the curtains of Your home; the clouds are Your chariot; the winds are Your messengers; the fire is Your minister. 
You are a covenant-keeping God!  Your faithfulness reaches to the skies; help me to count on it in every step of this day's pilgrimage.  Your righteousness is like the great mountains - may I keep it in view always. 
From You and through You and to You are all things.  To God be the glory!
~ F. B. Meyer, Daily Prayers
     Lord, there is so much for which to praise You!  Thank You that You are a father to the fatherless and a defender of the widow - needy ones who don't escape Your gaze.  And that You are my Heavenly Father.  Thank You that You are the God of our salvation . . . to understand that You are the author of our salvation and a covenant-keeping God makes it a surety for us.  
     Thank You for the strength and power You give Your people.  Blessed be God!  I love You, O Lord!  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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