
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Psalm 66

Remember What God has Done

 Psalm 66 is a psalm of thanksgiving.  All people are called to praise God for His sovereign power in the whole creation.  In verses 8-12, the Israelites are called to praise God for His special tokens of favor to His people.  In verses 13-20, the psalmist offers personal praise for his own experience of God's goodness to him in particular, especially in answers to his prayers.

Think back on times where you have seen God move in your own life . . . times of particular blessings or deliverance.  May we, like the psalmist, share these personal stories and declarations of faith.
Come and hear, all you who fear God,
And I will declare what He has done for my soul.  ~ Ps. 66:16
Regarding this, Matthew Henry reminds us:
God's people should communicate their experiences to each other.  We should take all occasions to tell one another of the great things God has done for our souls, the spiritual blessings with which He has blessed us. 
Continually throughout the Bible we are told to remember - remember God's deliverance in times past.  Remember what the Lord has done.  Verse 6 of Psalm 66 is a reminder to the people of Israel's national deliverance, which culminated in God's people crossing the dried up Jordan river into Canaan - all by the power of God.

Moses leading the Israelites through the Red Sea
He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men
He turned the sea into dry land;
They went through the river on foot.
There we will rejoice in Him.  ~ Ps. 66:5-6

The psalmist notes two reasons for which to bless God:  COMMON PROTECTION

He keeps our soul among the living,
And does not allow our feet to be moved. 
~ Ps. 66:9

and SPECIAL DELIVERANCE from great distress. 

We went through fire and water
But Your brought us out to rich fulfillment. 
~ Ps. 66:12

 The psalmist reminds us of a time the Lord will not hear us . . .
If I regard iniquity in my heart,
The Lord will not hear.  ~ Ps. 66:18
Iniquity in our hearts is the only barrier to our fellowship with God.  May we be sensitive to sin and ask the Lord to search our hearts, bringing conviction where needed so that we can repent and confess, once again enjoying a restored relationship with Him.


  • God is to be praised
  • God's works are awesome
  • God's power is great
  • God is to be worshipped
  • God tests His people
  • God hates sin
  • God is merciful

  • I praise God that He does not turn away my prayer nor His mercy from me
  • I praise God that He brings me out of the trial to rich fulfillment
  • I praise God for His greatness and His awesome works
  • I praise God that He keeps my soul among the living and doesn't allow my feet to be moved
  • I especially praise the Lord for the rich and bountiful blessings that He has poured into my life!

We used to sing this chorus in my senior high youth group at church:
He has done great things,
He has done great things,
He has done great things,
Bless His holy name!


      O God, how awesome are Your works!  All the earth shall worship You, and sing praises to You.  Hear the song in my own heart, O Lord, as I exalt Your name. 
     Thank You for the works that You have wrought in my own life.  Lord, You have blessed me so incredibly bountifully, and my heart is grateful for Your lovingkindness, which I did not and do not deserve.  Yet You have made me Your child, and I have tasted of the richness of Your grace.  May I declare what You have done for my soul and live my life as a testimony to You. 
     O Lord, I pray that Your Holy Spirit would search my heart and bring conviction where it is needed.  I want to be sensitive to sin because I long to walk in fellowship with You.  I long for the intimate relationship with You that King David had . . . thank You, Father, that You hear my prayer, and for Your mercy shown to me.  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen


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