
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Psalm 63

Thirst for God

Psalm 63 is a psalm of David written when David was in the wilderness.

O God, You are my God  ~ Ps. 63:1
The first sentence of this Psalm is its main theme:  You are my God.  He is found by those who seek Him.

Can't you feel what David is physically feeling as you read that first verse?  He is alone in the wilderness, probably very hot, thirsty, and hungry.  Have you ever been that parched - to where all you can think about is finding water?  That thought permeates every brain cell.  David is ascribing his physical cravings to spiritual cravings for God. 


Thus I will bless You while I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.  ~ Ps. 63:4
Praising God must be the work of our whole lives.  ~ Matthew Henry

In verses 6-9, David is telling us that if God be for us, our enemies shall fall under His righteous judgment.  But everyone who trusts in Him shall rejoice.

I have always loved verses 6-8:
When I remember You on my bed,
I meditate on You in the night watches.
Because You have been my help,
Therefore in the shadow of your wings I will rejoice.
My soul follows close behind You;
Your right hand upholds me.  ~ Ps. 63:6-8

Have you ever had one of those nights?  You are so troubled about a situation or circumstance that you can't sleep - you lie awake in worry and fear, the surrounding darkness just making everything seem that much worse.  Take this verse to your heart, and use it for those nights.  Remember Him when you are on your bed - meditate on Him in those dark moments.  Remember that He is your help, that You are protected under the shadow of His wings, and upheld by His right hand. 

Matthew Henry makes this note: 
When sleep departs from our eyes through pain, or sickness of the body, or any disturbance in the mind, our souls - by remembering God - may be at ease and repose themselves.  Perhaps an hour's pious meditation will do us more good than an hour of sleep would've done. 
I will meditate on You in the night watches.  ~ Ps. 63:6

  • God is my God
  • God's lovingkindness is better than life
  • God is my help
  • God upholds me with His right hand
  • I praise God that He IS my God!
  • I praise God that He can be found when I seek Him
  • I praise God that He is my help, and that His right hand upholds me
  • I praise God for His lovingkindness to me and my family
     O God, You are my God.  May I seek You with my whole heart, my whole being.  May I look for You, to see Your power & glory displayed in my life.  You show Yourself to me in so many daily kindnesses . . . thank You, Lord, that Your lovingkindness is better than life.  May I praise You and bless You while I live on this earth.  May my soul find its delight in You.  In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen

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