
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Psalm 40

Delight to Do God’s Will

Have you ever thought, “ I would do God’s will, if I just knew what that was!”  King David gives us a big hint on how to find God’s will in verse 8:

I delight to do Your will, O my God,
And Your law is within my heart.”  ~ Psalm 40:8
My Bible makes this note:
The will of God is for everyone to live in conformity to His revealed will in His word.  What we learn about God through reading the Bible is called God’s “revealed will.” 
Those commentators continue with this statement:
Although the Bible is a complete revelation for God’s will, there are always decisions we must make that are not covered by specific statements of Scripture.  In order to know God’s will in such instances, we must
  • Be in fellowship with Lord – I John 1:6-7
  • Seek principles from God’s word – I Cor. 10:6
  • Obtain advice from godly counselors – Prov. 11:14
  • Use common sense, and remember that God works through our minds & desires to do His will – Phil. 2:13
When none of these principles seem to work, we must simply make the best possible decision, realizing and asking God to shut the door if it’s not His will. 
  • God hears my cries
  • God sets my feet high upon a rock, establishing my steps
  • God puts a song in my mouth (don't you feel better when you sing!)
  • God is trustworthy
  • God is wonderful
  • God is full of mercy & lovingkindness
  • God “thinks” upon me - I love the thought of this!
  • God is my help & my deliverer

  • I praise God that He thinks upon me – wow!  How incredible is that thought!
  • I praise God that He is full of tender mercy & lovingkindness
  • I say, “The Lord be  magnified!” 
  • I praise God for His wonderful works
  • I praise God for His thoughts towards me

The Lord be magnified!  ~ Ps. 40:16
     O Father, hear me say, ‘The Lord be magnified!’  I ask You to think upon me, and upon the members of my family.  Do not withhold Your tender mercies from us, and let Your lovingkindness and Your truth continually preserve us. 
     May I learn to wait patiently upon You . . . this is so hard for me to do!  May I be blessed as I make You my trust. 
     O Lord, I pray that You would put that delight in me to do Your will.  May I seek You and Your will for my life . . . how much of Your will is revealed in Your word.  I pray that I would hide Your law within my heart . . . and that Your Holy Spirit would bring to my mind those great truths.  Would you put a stop before me to anything that is other than Your will for my life.   
     I am poor & needy, Father – this You know.  Be my help and my deliverer. 
     In Jesus’ name I pray ~ Amen

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