
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Psalm 38

The Heavy Burden of Sin

For I am ready to fall,
and my sorrow is continually before me.  ~ Ps. 38:17
Do you ever find it hard to apologize for something? The Penitential Psalms remind us of the importance of asking God for His mercy when we’ve sinned, with a true sense of contrition.  In Psalm 38, David acknowledges the sin that has brought physical & mental sickness and social ostracism. There is no one to turn to for help; only God can forgive & restore the psalmist. 

David shows us how to openly and honestly own & confess our sin before God.  Psalm 38 is a heartfelt reminder for us not to despair at those moments of falling into sin, and that the Lord is mighty to save. 

Remember what we read in Psalm 34:18:
  There are no excuses.  There is no trivializing his transgression.  There is no cover-up.  Or placing the blame somewhere else.  A wonderful example of true confession!
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

  • My sin requires confession before God
  • God searches my heart and His Holy Spirit convicts me of sin!
  • God is my only hope – He hears and will not forsake me.
  • God is my salvation
  • I praise the Lord that my forgiveness is found in Him, that I will not be utterly destroyed but that He will hear and help me, and that He is my salvation.
      Most gracious & loving Father, I praise You that you help me in my times of desperation.  Father, I need to daily confess my sins, and I long to find your salvation.  May I be like David, and confess my sin with my whole heart - not blaming or excusing.  Thank You for the forgiveness that is in Jesus Christ.
     Forgive me, O Lord, for my pride, greed, covetousness, for lying, for exalting myself, for loving the praise of men more than I should, for spiritual neglect – Father, you know my heart.  You know the endless list of transgressions.  Wash me, O Lord, whiter than snow.  Do this for the sake of Your son Jesus Christ, who paid the price for my sins.
          In His precious name I pray ~ Amen

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