
Monday, January 31, 2011

Psalm 32


"The Blessedness of Forgiveness"
Helix Nebula in the constellation of Aquarius, as seen through the Hubble telescope
Often called "the eye of God"
We should take to heart what David teaches us in verses 3-5:
When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long.  For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me . . . I acknowledged my sin to You . . .
My Bible notes:  The confession of David is the experience of everyone.  When he kept silent in resistance to God, the inner struggle of conscience and conviction drained away the very vitality of life.  Have you ever felt the weight of your sin on your conscience?  It's unbearable, isn't it!  When David said, 'I will confess my transgressions,' then God forgave. 

So what should a Christian do about sin?  The believer should never condone or attempt to excuse his sin (or anyone else's!)  There are only TWO things that should be done about sin:
  1. confess it
  2. forsake it
In doing these two things, believers are restored to full fellowship with God.

No sin is too great and no sin is too small - God is able to cleanse us completely from anything that it is inconsistent with His own moral character. 

  • The Lord knows my sin - I am grateful that God "sees"
  • It is the Lord who grants forgiveness
  • God is my hiding place
  • God will instruct and teach me
  • Mercy surrounds those who trust in the Lord
  • I praise the Lord because my sins are forgiven!  'O victory in Jesus!'  My heart praises the Lord for my salvation from my sins.
  • I praise the Lord that He guides me and instructs me - I don't have to find my own way
  • I praise the Lord for His mercy.
     Father, I rejoice that You provide forgiveness for my sin!  May my sin always weigh on my heart, so that I am never comfortable with  my wrongdoing.  May You hear my prayer, and always be found by me.  Forever.
    Thank You, O God, that You are my hiding place.  Thank You that You preserve me from trouble.  May I never turn to another.
     Father, how I long for and want Your instruction and Your guidance.  I want to go in the way that You have for me.  May I seek that way only - accompany me on Your path for me, Lord.  I desire Your understanding.
    Thank You for the joy that is found in You, O Lord.  I rejoice and am glad in You.
    I make this prayer in Jesus' name ~ Amen

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