
Monday, January 3, 2011

Psalm 3

“ . . . the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Abram.  I am your shield,  your exceedingly great reward.’”  ~  Gen. 15:1
“As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.”  ~ II Samuel 22:31
Many times throughout the Scriptures, God is referred to as “our shield.”  We will see this reference several more times in the Psalms, and its reference indicates God’s protection, favor, salvation, and truth.  Knights would decorate their shields with their family emblem or crest, and their family motto:

  • He keeps His eye on His own
  • He is our shield
  • The Lord hears our cry from His holy hill
  • The Lord is the One who holds up our heads when we are weary & scared
  • The Lord sustains us
  • Salvation belongs to the Lord
  • God's blessing is upon His people 
  • This is a psalm of David, which he penned during a personal lifetime low when he was fleeing for his life from Absalom, his own son.  His very own people have turned against him and are seeking to kill him - so we can praise God through this Psalm that He is ALWAYS FAITHFUL to His children.  
  • He will never forget one of His own.  Other people, even our own friends or family members, may turn against us, but the Lord is always faithful.  
  • We can praise the Lord that when we cry to Him, He hears us!
     O Father, there is much for which to praise You in this Psalm!  What gratefulness fills my heart when I consider all that You are, and I know my mind can't really scratch the surface of Your being.
     Thank You for Your watchcare over Your own.  Thank You that You have made me Your own!  What comfort to know that Your ear hears me.  What comfort to know, O God, that it is Your strength that sustains me and lifts up my head!  I do not have to ever depend on myself or my power or sufficiency.
     Thank You, O Lord, that I do not have to fear even a multitude of men!
     I ask You, O Lord, to pour your blessings upon me and the members of my family - that we will be a family unit that brings You great delight.
     Salvation does indeed belong to You, O God, and - from Your mercy and lovingkindness - You have made the perfect way to bring salvation to Your people.  Thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray ~ Amen

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