
Monday, January 24, 2011

Psalm 25


"Acrostic Prayer of Instruction"

David wrote this psalm as an "acrostic" - each verse begins with a succeeding letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 

Spiritual life is more than the initial experience of trust in God - we must learn to walk in His ways.  To do this, we must know what they are . . . we must read His word.  We must fellowship in churches where the word of God is proclaimed from the pulpits.

 Verb, 1. blot out - make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing.

The sun "blotting out" the moon during a lunar eclipse
As Christians, we are "hidden" in Christ.  Colossians 3:3 says this:
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
Just as the sun blots out or "hides" the moon during a lunar eclipse, so our sins are hidden by the righteousness of Christ.   
I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for My own sake, and remembers your sins no more~ Is. 43:25
  • Good & upright is the Lord - He teaches sinners & the humble in the way
  • God's secret is with those who fear Him
  • God is our Redeemer
The Mercy Seat was the covering above
the Ark of the Covenant.
The Mercy Seat was where God
met man in the Holy of Holies.
  • The Lord blots out my transgressions
  • God's paths are mercy & truth
  • God is merciful & good
  • The Lord is the keeper of my soul
  • To wait on God is to live in utter dependence on Him
  • I praise God that He is merciful & good, upright and full of integrity.
  • I praise God that He forgives my sin and does not remember the sins of my youth!
  • I praise God that He guides me and teaches me in His way.  May I be humble & submissive to follow.  I want to know the "secret" of the Lord, and I want to keep my eyes on Him.
  • I praise the Lord that He brings me out of snares & traps & nets that entangle my feet.
      Father, thank You that You have chosen me to be Your child.  How I needed You then, O Lord, and how I need You now.
     You are sufficient, O God.  You are the lover of my soul, and I am so thankful that You have revealed Yourself to me.  I pray that You will continue to illuminate my mind and my heart, more and more to a deeper understanding of You.  Your ways are mysterious to man, and I want to know and think rightly of You.   Remove any misconceptions or wrong ideas that I have of You.
Turn Yourself and have mercy on me.  Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait on You.  Keep my soul, and deliver me.  Let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust in You.  Show me Your ways, O Lord!  Teach me Your paths!  Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day long (but I admit that I don't like this very much!)
Turn Yourself to me, and have mercy on me! 
For Your Name's sake, O Lord, pardon my integrity, for it is great.  And I praise You with my whole heart that there is pardon through Your Son, Jesus Christ !  Bless You, O Lord, for making a way for Your children. 
As David cried for Israel, redeem America, O God, out of all their troubles!  Please do not turn Your face from us, and return us once again to "one nation, under God" and make of us a nation "in God we trust."
     In Jesus' name I pray ~ Amen


  1. Thank you, for your love of Jesus and your heart and desire to share Him. I look forward to your entries. I am Stephy Braithwait's momma in Iowa.
    You will be blessed.
    In His Grace,
    Linda Strohschein

  2. Linda - thank you so much for your kind note! I am so happy that you are following along with us in our study / meditation of the Psalms.

    I love Stephanie & Ryan - and their precious sweet family! Stephanie is a wonderful mother . . . I know that you are very proud of herr and those darling grandchildren!

    Blessings to you!
