
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Psalm 21


"Triumph of the King"

Along with yesterday's Psalm 20, this is a prayer of King David - that God would protect and prosper him.  It is also a prayer of thanksgiving for the success with which God has blessed David.

F.B. Meyer penned this prayer:
May I not think too little or too much of myself, but soberly and rightly; and may I give to the world whatever You purposed for me when You created me.
A great mindset - doesn't it sound like something King David would say!

As king, David was the most powerful man in Israel.  His courage and might were known throughout the lands.  He was a mighty warrior.  He slew the giant Goliath.  He ruled a nation.  A nation of people were subject to him.  Yet he never gloried in himself nor his position of power.   He recognized that it was God who prospered him!  David was humble before the Lord - his heart was never puffed up nor did he ever take credit for who he was or the successes he enjoyed.  May we walk before God like that!
Statue of King David
Rome, Italy

  • Our joy is in God's strength!
  • The Lord knows our heart's desires and grants them according to His perfect will
  • The Lord meets us with blessings of goodness
  • It is God who gives life and eternal life
  • The Lord is trustworthy
  • Through the Lord's mercy, we shall not be moved
  • God's right hand will find all His enemies, and they will be swallowed up in God's wrath
  • The Lord is to be exalted for His strength and power
  • The Lord is to be praised because He is the One on whom I can depend for strength.  I don't need some great resource within myself on which to rely.
  • It is the Lord who is able to grant the desires of my heart
  • My heart is filled with praise for the blessings God has bestowed in my life - they are so many!  There are so many sweet things for which my heart praises God, the Giver!
  • I praise God that I, like David,, have life - "length of days forever and ever" - eternal life through Jesus Christ.
  • I praise the Lord that He is never moved.
  • I praise the Lord that He will find His enemies.  When the evil of this world seems too much, it is comforting to know that God sees.  He will evetually swallow His enemies up in His wrath.
  • I praise and exalt the Lord for His strength and power
     Father, how I have joy in Your strength!  How my heart praises You that I never have to rely on myself or anyone else - any other human being - for strength!  You are my source and I am grateful that You have revealed Yourself to me.  There is so much I don't understand, and You know my times of doubt.  Forgive me when I doubt, O Lord - may I rest in what I do know and am sure of so that what I don't know and understand about You doesn't trouble me.
     Father, my heart is eternally grateful for the blessings of goodness which You have bestowed in my life.  You know my heart's desire - and Your lovingkindess has been abundant.  You are so gracious to me!  May I be a good wife to Dave and good mother to my sons for the rest of my days.  May You protect them and guide them all of their days.  May our family dwell in the house of the Lord forever!
     Father, I long to be exceedingly glad in Your presence, as David speaks of in this Psalm.  There is much security in knowing that through Your mercy I will never be moved!  How I praise You that You are on Your throne forever!
     Father, man is so wretched and there is much evil on the face of the earth.  Protect and bless Your people - turn Your face towards Your people and never be far from us.  I make this prayer in the name of Jesus, my Savior ~ Amen

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