
Monday, January 17, 2011

Psalm 18


"Thanksgiving for Deliverance"

King David sang this psalm as a song to the Lord when God delivered him from the hand of Saul and of his enemies.

David calls God many different names to show what God is like.  It also seems that God used many forms of nature / weather to accomplish His purposes – David mentions earthquakes, hailstones, lightening, and deep waters. 

We’ve noticed in this and in previous Psalms that David refers to his “integrity” or “righteousness.”  How can that be, since the Bible is clear that
There is none righteous, no not one.  ~ Rom. 3:10
So, what made David a “man after God’s own heart?”  Acts 13:22 says, “ 
I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.

We also know that David was a man who was a great sinner, and who reaped consequences of his sin.  So what, then?

I think we just found our answer when we read Psalm 16.  Look at verse 2:
I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing. ~ Psalms 16:2

Ron Edmondson noted this on that verse:  David recognized that the only good in him was the God in him.  Great godly leaders are willing to step aside from their own need for ego-building and self-confidence and humble themselves before an almighty God.

The most important thing to God is your internal heart position (the core person that only you and He know) being attuned to love and obey Him. In the Psalms we see the thought processes that David went through and we see his inner core position as that of a man who desired to obey the Lord, even with all the dreadful mistakes he makes.  

Regarding me, the Lord is:
  •   My rock
  •   My fortress
  •   My deliverer
  •   My strength
  •   My shield
  •   My salvation
  •   My support
  •   A shield to all who trust in Him
  •   My Avenger
Regarding Himself, the Lord is:

  •   Trustworthy
  •   Victorious over my enemies
  •   Merciful
  •   Blameless
  •   Pure
  •   Shrewd
  •   Merciful
The Lord

  •   Rewards according to righteousness
  •   Saves humble people
  •   Listens to my cries
  •   Sets me on my high places
  •   Upholds me with His right hand
  •   Enlarges my path under me
  • God’s way is perfect
  • God’s word is proven

  • I praise the Lord for every attribute of God that David claims – and that this God who delivered David will deliver me today!  The God whose ears heard the cries of David hear my cries today. 
My Loving Father ~
     I know that only clothed in the righteousness of Christ will I ever be righteous.  Left to myself, I am desperately wicked.  Thank You, O God, for saving me from myself.  I do so want to be like Jesus.
     Father, there is so much in this Psalm for which to praise You!  What a beautiful example of how our praise to You and for You will be eternal and everlasting.
     O Lord, there is such a source of comfort in this Psalm.  How faithfully You delivered David!  How faithfully You will deliver Your anointed.
     Thank You, dear Lord, that there is none like You.  Thank You that it is You who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.  Enlarge my path under me, O God, so that my feet do not slip.
     Father, I exalt You because You are worthy.  I pray that You will light my lamp and enlighten my darkness.  May I always depend on You and not fear man.  Deliver me, O God, from the strivings of other people. 
     Forgive me, Father, when my faith is small.  When I fear man.  When I don’t trust You fully.  Increase  my faith, Lord.  And I thank You with a full heart because I know my faith is a gift from You – the most unspeakable gift. 
      In Jesus’ name I pray ~ Amen

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